Monday, 5 March 2012

thought eight: why does it always rain on me?

Rain. I know, as an Australian, I should be totally thankful for the rain but gosh it makes me feel...urghhh...

Today has been a mix of blowing wind, freezing rain and just general grey skies. All day I walked through the corridors at work feeling pretty miserable and dragging my feet. I was unmotivated, distant and just didn't feel really in the mood to do anything. 

What is it about grey weather that makes us feel rubbish? 

Apparently winter blues is a common feeling for people, like us, who live up north. It's got a fancy name, seasonal affective disorder, and up to 5% of the population can have it. People feel sad and low in the winter months when the temperatures drop and the days grow short. People who have it often eat more and sleep more so gain loads of weight. And get this, women are twice to three times more likely to suffer from it than men! So not only do we feel crap from the weather but we're more likely to gain weight and feel moody and tired! 

It's all sounding pretty crap isn't it? Well this is where my little thought pops in...


So, this is what I am doing about it. 'Spanish Night' at home. We are bringing the summer to our little, grey, British flat. The weather outside is utterly vile but inside it will be sunny, warm and full of fun. I am making Paella for dinner, we will play our favourite Spanish music, look through our favourite Spanish holiday photos, turn up the heating and close the blinds. 

So stop the stinking thinking and turn up the music, your mood is totally what you make it and I am sick of moping around and watching the rain. 


This is how it went...

Just a little something simple to turn a normal evening in into something a bit special. 
I pinched this idea off Pinterest, simple yet so cute.

Paella and Spanish music

Some pictures and postcards from our last holiday

I replicated a dessert we tried on our holiday, I recommend this, it was amazing!
It's funny how little things like music, food and pictures can send you straight back to a relaxed and happy place.

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