Thursday, 23 February 2012

thought two: make it special

I am married to the most wonderful man in the entire world. He is my best friend and I believe he would do anything for me. I haven't been feeling so well lately and he has just jumped in and made my life so comfortable. He gets medicine for me when I need it, has done the cooking, washing and cleaning. I just can't imagine my life without him now.

Some people have said that I got married young. "You don't look more than 15, how can you be married?" Well, for one I'm far older than 15. But I guess it's because I have a different view on the whole "married" thing. My husband was the first person I ever gave myself to and although we now call that "old fashioned" I believe it was the best gift I could ever have given him.

I work with teenagers and I was chatting with some girls the other day. For some reason, this topic came up and they asked me if my husband was the first man I had been with. I answered, yes. They were shocked. One of the girls answered, "I was 13 when I made love for the first time, I wish I could take that back". It broke my heart to see her face. We talked about how when we love someone like that a small part of that person is glued to us and we take them like baggage through our other relationships.

Why is it that we look down on people who "save" themselves for their husband or wife? Why is it "old-fashioned"? Shouldn't we respect and honour ourselves enough to think it's special? Deep down I think we all feel like this girl, glued to people of the past and wishing that they weren't part of our current relationship. So why is it that when someone says, "I married young" we look down on them like they have some sort of social problem? Shouldn't we say "Wow, that's amazing".

Even if you don't believe in God, who has told us that we should keep ourselves for our husband or wife, please think about saving this gift for the two of you. It's never too late, even if you have some things in the past you wish didn't happen, you can always make a fresh start. Just say sorry, God forgives and he will wipe the past making it clean again. Make it special.

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