Sunday, 26 February 2012

thought seven: non-fat chips

So, I finally got up from the computer and gave one of my pinterest "must try this" things a go!

Microwave Non-Fat Chips

Take some potatoes (peeled or not, doesn't matter)

Thinly slice them, careful to make all the slices the same.

Line your microwave plate with baking paper.
Then place the slices of potato on the plate but not overlapping them.

Add salt or seasoning of your choice (I added some paprika to the slices on the right)

Place in the microwave on high for 4-6 minutes or until brown spots appear.
Let them sit for 1 minute.
Then microwave until brown and crispy.

My husband couldn't believe these didn't have any fat because they tasted just like regular chips!

I also tried Salt and Vinegar flavour. 
Just dip the slices in a bowl of vinegar and cook as normal!

Credit for this goes to

thought six: bird hair

Some of us are blessed with long, gorgeous, thick locks of beautiful hair while others of us (ie. me) have thin, or as a good friend of mine likes to call it "fine", baby hair

When I was living in Brussels I shared college accommodation with lots of beautiful girls. But one of my favourite moments was when an Italian friend of mine and I were coming out from the showers and she came out with this comment:

"Nic, when other girls come out of the shower they have nice, sexy hair. But when we come out, we just look like a bird."

And this pretty much sums up my hair. Bird hair. 

But the other day I was searching different blogs, as I like to do, and I stumbled across Liz Stanley. She came up with this great tip for thin "bird hair". 

I know this looks weird, but take an old sock and cut off the toe. 
Roll the sock up into a doughnut.
(Make sure it's clean and preferably a similar colour to your hair)

Put your hair up into a simple ponytail.
(Ignore how messy my hair is, sorry)

Place the doughnut around your ponytail. Then place the hair around it and place another hair tie on top.

It should start looking a little like this.
Take a little mirror and make sure that all the sock is covered with your hair. 
(There's nothing more embarrassing than "is that a sock in your hair?", "Ummmm...")

To spice it up, maybe you might like to add a ribbon or scarf.

Sorry, about the messy hair. But you get the idea!

Just taking a simple bun, adding a sock and making it look like you have loads more hair!

Friday, 24 February 2012

thought five: Pinterest

So, I've discovered Pinterest. Pinterest lets you organise and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. 

I found it and instantly fell in love with it. I love scanning the web for new recipes, new places to visit or crafty diy projects to try. But this is my problem. A friend was saying to me that the problem with Pinterest is that you feel creative but really all you're doing is sitting and staring at a computer screen. I totally and wholeheartedly agree with her. 

So, to break this, I've decided that once a month I am going to bake something. create something. paint something. To help me, I will post my progress on here, that way I will actually do it, not just think about it! 

But what first? 

Cake Pops? 

Pretzel rolls?

Microwavable "no-fat" chips?

Or something crafty?

Magnet board?

Prayer board? (similar idea really, just bigger)

Scarf? (I'm going to have to borrow a sewing machine for this one!)

Ok. So I have no idea which one to tackle first? I'd love to try these out and I will make one happen in March! Let me know which one you think I should try first!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

thought four: colour splash

Colour Splash is an app that I have on my phone and thought I'd share the love of it here. You can take any photo, turn it black and white and then add back whatever bit of colour you want.

I thought I'd show you a few examples of photos I have changed with this wonderful app.

This is the ribbon from our wedding booklets.

This is from a photo I took on our honeymoon in the Alps.

My husband wanted to try an Espresso just because he was in Italy.

I thought this looked really effective with the colouring on the cupcake.

Let me know what you think!

thought three: my little brother

My baby brother turned 18 last week. I could not for the life of me think what to get him as a birthday present! I asked around and "alcohol" seemed to be the answer most people gave. To be honest, that's not really the kind of thing I wanted to get him. Not that I think it wouldn't be nice, it's just not so special. I wanted something that would really mean something, something he could keep, something he could look at and think "that's what my sister gave me for my 18th birthday".

So this is what I came up with...

I made him a book. Pictures, photos, memories of his 18 years of life (from my perspective of course). I love making memory books and I hope he likes it too.

Facts from the year he was born.

I hope he has as much fun reading it as I did making it! I love my little brother very much and hope the next however many years of his life are as wonderful as his first 18!

thought two: make it special

I am married to the most wonderful man in the entire world. He is my best friend and I believe he would do anything for me. I haven't been feeling so well lately and he has just jumped in and made my life so comfortable. He gets medicine for me when I need it, has done the cooking, washing and cleaning. I just can't imagine my life without him now.

Some people have said that I got married young. "You don't look more than 15, how can you be married?" Well, for one I'm far older than 15. But I guess it's because I have a different view on the whole "married" thing. My husband was the first person I ever gave myself to and although we now call that "old fashioned" I believe it was the best gift I could ever have given him.

I work with teenagers and I was chatting with some girls the other day. For some reason, this topic came up and they asked me if my husband was the first man I had been with. I answered, yes. They were shocked. One of the girls answered, "I was 13 when I made love for the first time, I wish I could take that back". It broke my heart to see her face. We talked about how when we love someone like that a small part of that person is glued to us and we take them like baggage through our other relationships.

Why is it that we look down on people who "save" themselves for their husband or wife? Why is it "old-fashioned"? Shouldn't we respect and honour ourselves enough to think it's special? Deep down I think we all feel like this girl, glued to people of the past and wishing that they weren't part of our current relationship. So why is it that when someone says, "I married young" we look down on them like they have some sort of social problem? Shouldn't we say "Wow, that's amazing".

Even if you don't believe in God, who has told us that we should keep ourselves for our husband or wife, please think about saving this gift for the two of you. It's never too late, even if you have some things in the past you wish didn't happen, you can always make a fresh start. Just say sorry, God forgives and he will wipe the past making it clean again. Make it special.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

thought one

I've never made a blog before. I've never really understood what they're for. I guess it's for thoughts, inspiration and just general things that pass in and out of life. I'm not sure if anyone will see this, if they'll take the time to even read it. But for me, it will be a nice, quiet place to post things I love, new experiences and thoughts that generally pass through my intricate mind. Here's to my thoughts and crazy dreams...