Tuesday, 11 September 2012

thought twentyfour: just thinking

I'm in a time of life where things are moving and changing. This means that my mind is reflecting and looking at where my life is headed. I thought I would answer some questions that would maybe help unravel my mind and show me what I think is important.

When was the last time you tried something new?

Yesterday I registered to start a new university course. I'm going to be doing my Post Graduate Certificate of Education in Secondary School. Pretty scary but definitely something new.

Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

I'm not sure I compare myself to anyone in particular. I guess I have to admit that every time I see another girl walk down the street and she is wearing something amazing, I compare what I am wearing to her to see if what I have is as nice. Not a good comparison, but that's probably when I compare the most.

What gets you excited about life?
The fact that I have a Lord Jesus who loves me more than anything. The fact that God himself stepped out of heaven to become a man just so I could have life with Him. I know they are all cliche words, but it really does get me so excited about life! It gives me purpose and hope in the future, I don't need to worry about anything because I always have someone looking after me.

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?
I learnt independence in such a hard way. My parents live in Australia and I live in the UK. I have learnt how to just get on as a married woman in life, pursuing my career, hopes and dreams without my Mum and Dad being around the corner.

What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?
I can sew! I was totally not capable of that until April this year when I was given my first ever machine! I love it now and would never turn back.

What is the difference between living and existing?
Living is making the most of every opportunity this world throws at you. Get up off the couch (funny I should say that, I'm sitting on the couch) and grab life and see where it drags you. Eat things, smell things, experience culture and see things you never have before. Listen to languages, learn from children, study something, learn something new. Existing is just staying still, not moving forward. Having no ambition or dreams. Life is to be experienced, living is to get out there and just do it. I hope that's what I'm doing. I'd love to travel more, I'd love to see more of Asia. 

What makes you smile?
Markus, my husband. He makes me smile all the time. There is a face he pulls at night time, when we're getting ready for bed, he has taken off his glasses but still needs to set his alarm on his phone. He scrunches up his whole face- eyes, nose, mouth - and holds the phone really close. It makes me giggle all the time. 

If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
I would be living in Australia making the most of the time I have with my family. I would be taking in all I can from the world around me. I would travel a lot but also want to spend a lot of time just being with the people I love. I think I would be a lot more passionate about the things I believe in. I think things would seem a lot more urgent.